All in travel

Complete Kennebunkport Travel Guide

As promised, here is a complete guide to traveling to Kennebunkport, Maine. Last year was our first time visiting this unique and charming town. Home of the LOBSTER and salty ocean water taffy, it quickly became a home in our hearts. We come every single summer and it has become our yearly summer tradition. Every year that we visit, we find new things to see, places to stay and things to explore.

SPRING FEVER- Vaycay must-haves

This winter storm has me DREAMING of Spring break. I currently have Spring Fever and wishing for warmer days ahead. I'll take a nice 75 degree day over snow, any day. However, I am grateful for the snow day to cuddle up and get work done. I am taking advantage of this cozy, snuggly day to round up some of my favorite things for spring and vacation. Just click each item to shop.

What I'm Packing For Disney

We all know how much I LOVE anything Disney. I love voicing all of the Disney princesses and singing their tunes around the house. (I secretly think I am one of them LOL)! This has been my most requested blog post and I am so excited to share what I'm packing for Disney World. I can hardly believe that Mr. Darling and I are headed to Disney World in just 8 days.

Kennebunkport Travel Guide

As promised, here is the ultimate guide to Kennebunkport (the place to be all year.) Taylor and I truly had the most beautiful time there in the most quaint, darling and unique town to visit. This little town is filled with antique charm and lovely inns ( our favorite is the Grand Hotel!) We are so excited to share some of our favorite spots and things to do while visiting KPT. This is one of our most memorable trips. We spent about four days there and we were able to get in all of the attractions, shopping and dining we wanted to do.